Simpsons Fanon



Simpsons Fanon

"Bart the Murderer" is an upcoming episode of The Simpsons television series.


After a particularly bad day — Santa's Little Helper eats his homework and he forgets his permission slip for a school field trip to a chocolate factory — Bart loses control of his skateboard during a downpour. He crashes down the stairwell of the Legitimate Businessman's Social Club, a Mob bar owned by the Springfield Mafia.

At the club, Fat Tony and his henchmen, Legs and Louie, are inhospitable towards Bart at first. They are soon impressed by his ability to pick winning horses and make excellent Manhattans. After Fat Tony hires him as the club's bartender and errand boy, Bart starts wearing Rat Pack suits, tries to bribe Principal Skinner to avoid punishment, and allows the Mob to store a truckload of stolen cigarettes in his bedroom until they can be fenced.

The mobsters confront Principal Skinner when they find he is giving Bart detention after school. Skinner goes missing the next day and is assumed murdered. Bart rushes to confront Fat Tony at the bar after a nightmare about Skinner's ghost and his own execution. While Bart is there, the police raid the bar. Fat Tony blames Skinner's disappearance on Bart, who is put on trial for murder.

At the trial, Fat Tony, Legs and Louie lie to the court, saying Bart killed Skinner. Judge Snyder is about to convict Bart when Skinner, unshaven and disheveled, bursts in the courtroom. He explains that neither Bart nor the mobsters killed him. Instead, Fat Tony and his henchmen visited his office and left sheepishly after Skinner scolded them for interfering in student discipline. When he returned home that day, Skinner became trapped beneath stacks of old newspapers in his garage and lie stuck there until freeing himself and racing to the courtroom.

Bart is cleared of all charges, despite the prosecution's unsuccessful attempt to have Skinner's speech stricken from the record. Bart quits Fat Tony's gang after learning that the bromide is true: crime does not pay.




Main article: Bart the Murderer (CGI)/Appearances


Main article: Bart the Murderer (CGI)/Gags


Main article: Bart the Murderer (CGI)/Gallery